Author: Evita

iCoDaCo tikšanās Nacionālajā dejas centrā Parīzē

Agate Bankava Janvāra izskaņā iCoDaCo (International Contemporary Dance Collective) partnerorganizācijas tikās klātienē Parīzē (iCoDaCO ir starp…

LAUKKU proudly involves in iCoDaCo (International Contemporary Dance Collective) 2024-2027 project co-funded by EU

iCoDaCo 2024-2027 will focus on the development and implementation of alternative and innovative strategies and methodologies…

Performance ”Dreaming of a Perfect Arts House”

The performance is a dialogue between construction workers and artists, two groups paradoxically located on the…

LAUKKU dives into the intuition world together with patients of Akniste Psycho-neurological Hospital and clients of Akniste Health and Social Care Centre

On October and November, 2023 Agate Bankava, within Sansusī welfare residency, will dive into the intuition…

LAUKKU Harvest party

From September 15 to 17, 2023 LAUKKU invited LAUKKU people and friends from near and far…

HOMO NOVUS: Laukku took the stage behind the Latvian National Museum of Art

Laukku has been invited to participate in HOMO NOVOUS – International Festival of Contemporary Theatre. Laukku…

LAUKKU shared its experiences with social work lecturers and students

On August 9-11, 2023 Inta Balode gave the lecture on LAUKKU methods and works in social…