2021. gada 15. aprīlī tika atklāts “Erasmus+” partnerības projekts starp 8 jauniešu organizācijām no Latvijas, Gruzijas, Itālijas un Portugāles (puse no tām darbojas radošajā jomā, puse – brīvdabā). 15 mēnešu laikā plānots apkopot, izmēģināt, nofilmēt, aprakstīt, iztulkot dažādās valodās vismaz 40 jauniešiem derīgas radošas aktivitātes brīvdabā, ko publicēsim īpašā https://www.tekutaku.tk/creativity-nature sadaļā, ko ikviens jauniešu darbinieks, skolotājs, nometņu organizētājs varēs brīvi pielietot savās nodarbībās.
Atruna: Projekts “#Creativity @Nature” tiek finansēts ar Eiropas Komisijas “Erasmus+: Jaunatne darbībā”, kuru Latvijā administrē Jaunatnes starptautisko programmu aģentūra, atbalstu. Šī publikācija atspoguļo vienīgi autora uzskatus, un Komisijai nevar uzlikt atbildību par tajā ietvertās informācijas jebkuru iespējamo izlietojumu.
Erasmus+ KA2 project Partnerships for Creativity in the field of Youth “#Creativity @Nature“
1st April 2021 – June 2022 (15 months)
General idea
To bring together representatives from 8 organizations working with youth, outdoor methodologies different creativity and art forms from 4 countries (Portugal, Italy, Latvia and Georgia) for 15 months and experiment together and explore how to use different creativity tools in the nature as a great way for our own and young peoples’ learning and improved well-being.
The pandemic times have not been easy on either of us – the youth workers or for the young people. We are all surely tired of being online, at home and apart. This project which allows us to come together with some colleagues from different countries and organizations and go out in the forest, mountains, ocean coast to try out different activities that make us more connected with ourselves, the nature and promote creative spark in us is right in time!
What is special about this project is bringing together professionals from different fields – 1 organization working in youth work – somehow related to outdoors/nature and active life-style and 1 from creative/arts field. As most of activities will be implemented in national teams, we expect some great synergies/friendships to be created in order to get inspired from each others’ work and take new practices to own work.
Throughout the project we will do several Creative Camps and workshops, where we will try out different activities in the nature that have a great potential to develop creativity and could be used both individually as well as part of group learning process. Both young people and youth work colleagues will participate in testing these tools in each country.
Descriptions of around 40 most special and effective non-formal learning tools that we will have discovered will be included in a Digital Toolbox (simple website and a pdf document). These activities could be easy to take and use for working with young people and we will promote it among youth work community, summer camp leaders, teachers and art educators.
While pandemics is setting some limitations also to implementation of this project, apart from regular international video meetings throughout the project, we also hope to manage to meet each other throughout the project also in 2 real-life meetings/seminars to exchange good practices and tools – in September 2021 in Portugal and April 2022 in Italy (tbc).
All in all, with this project we hope to promote the idea of spending more time in the nature and enjoy the potential it has for boosting our creativity and well-being.
- Latvia – Teku Taku (active outdoor lifestyle, sports, geography, yoga) + LAUKKU (promotion of contemporary art, especially contemporary dance outside centres/cities)
- Georgia – Girl Scouts “Dia” + Sunny House (LARP, visual arts)
- Italy – Moveway (parkour) + Dendrocopos (nature education)
- Portugal – Brigada do Mar (environmental activities) + Novo Mundo (empower youth and their creative potential)
The project is implemented in the framework of EU programme “Erasmus+: Youth in Action”.