The Children’s Palace in Pernik open doors on January 1, 1953, to absorb the noisy children’s flow that filled it to its last corner. Since then, it has been a favorite spot for children ages 5 to 19. On June 18, 1982, it was moved to a new and modern building designed by architect Tanya Divizieva with chief designer Eng. Zlatka Lukanova. Eight years later, the children’s institution was transformed into a Child Care Center. On March 1, 2000, by order of the Minister of Education and Science, the Center for Work with Children, the Student Sports School and the Center for Student, Technical and Scientific Creativity were transformed into the United Children’s Complex – Pernik. Today, the United Children’s Complex is an out-of-school pedagogical institution within the system of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science , sports and tourism. It carries out a rich cultural-entertaining, scientific-cognitive, arts, sports-tourist and applied-technical activities.
The complex offers a complete program of children’s entertainment, holidays, concerts, competitions, exhibitions, theatrical performances and performances. The whole activity of the pedagogical team is oriented towards children and their development. The ODK calendar includes over 150 children’s performances annually in the country and abroad. Artistic groups and the School of Fine Arts spread the glory of native art to all corners of the globe. They have won many national and international awards.
In 2018 The United Children’s Complex in Pernik celebrates the 65th anniversary of extracurricular activities.
This video is old but still up to date and telling about structure and work in CPLR – ODK Pernik: https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UUqLp1f3kivC8JaP6KBvsCbQ&v=kNgLc1IUX-M&feature=emb_logo
Web page: http://odkpernik.com/
Participants at tKtC:

Andrzej Sojka is a volunteer at CPLR – ODK Penrik and project menager at the association ARTAREA. He graduated University of Zielona Gora on the Faculty of Education, Sociology and Psychology. From 2006 founder and director of Hakashanti Dance Theater. From 2012 director of Prencov 60 Alternative Theater in Slovakia. He worked as a facilitator and trainer in many international projects mainly under Youth in Action and Erasmus + programm. His field of expertise are street and site specific theater, circus pedagogy and group dynamics. Currently he is running theater studio for youngsters, as well directing street performances in Traveling Theater Skrin .

Elena Kostadinova is a volunteer in CPLR – ODK Pernik. She is an independent artist and theater director, working in the field of the contemporary alternative theater. She has studed french philology and author’s theater in Sofia, Bulgaria. Later she graduated theater directing in Lyon, France. As a performer she was part of Alma-Alter theatre laboratory where she acted in many performances in Bulgaria and abroad. Nowadays she manages a non-governmental organization First Act where she works with contemporary artists and young people. The aim of the organization is to create new applications for the art in education, mass communication and social development and also to build up a network of young people for mutual support and collaboration.
The project financed by the Erasmus + Programme, which for years has been the leading program of the European Commission supporting educational activities in a form that is limited only by imagination, so if someone would like to try their hand at obtaining a grant for unusual international projects, they should definitely look at the website of the www.erasmusplus.org.pl