Dorosli – Dzieciom means Adults for Children and the association has been set up in 1994, about 25 years ago, in Sepolno Krajenskije, Poland. There are 18 active members.
Dorosli Dzieciom undertakes activities aiming at improving conditions of development and growth of children and teenagers, including those with disabilities. It organizes and manages therapeutically institutions and activities, as well as educational, rehabilitative and integration programs for disabled andinitiates and develops a process of integrating children and teenagers who come from difficult backgrounds into the local society. The association also organizes voluntary work in international scale.
Our NGO was an answer to the lack of educational offer aimed at kids and teenagers. Apart from school activities they didn’t have alternative of spending their free time. That’s why we decided to create some offer mostly for children (this is where our name come from). Since then we have spread our activities for different target groups too. We have set up and run several institutions, like Occupational Therapy Workshop for people with disabilities, Commune Information Centre, Young Creators’ Club for young, gifted people, Teachers’ Improvement Institution, Centre of Small Kid and Family – in cooperation with local municipality, Drug Abuse office.
Since 2005 we have taken part in EVS projects as HO and SO. Apart from that, since 2010 in the framework of Youth in Action/Erasmus + we have organised 10 international training courses on different topics as well as 2 youth exchanges.
In our NGO there is Young Creators’ Club that offers to young people various after school activities (art, sport, music, languages). Now these activities are mostly implemented by EVS volunteers. We have host volunteers since 2004. Over those 15 years we host around 80 volunteers, sent around 10.
Dorosli – Dzieciom has coordinated 2 projects connected with contemporary dance/kinesthetic learning in Sepolno Krajenskije – Move’ em ALL (2016) and Body in Action (2019). Members of the organization has taken part in similar projects in Estonia, Slovenia and Latvia.
Personalities at tKtC:

Vahid Dadaev – is representing Dorosli Dzieciom and participating at the project for first 6 months. Being originally from Grozny, Chechnya he is doing volunteering work at Dorosli Dzieciom in Sepolno Krajenskije, Poland. The volunteering work includes interaction with young people with and without disabilities. He is a part of the project to help Dorosli Dzieciom to involve young people at the activities, to generate ideas about the learning through movement. But he is also curious how to bring these powerful methods in the cultures where communication through physical contact is not allowed on everyday bases.

Małgorzata Skusa – teacher of English, dancer, dance instructor – a graduate of Qualification Course for Instructors in Contemporary Dance organised by Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the National Centre for Culture; theorist of dance – a graduate of the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw where she did a Postgraduate Study in the Theory of Dance. In dance field since 2005 as a participant of regular contemporary dance practice and numerous dance workshops led by Polish and foreigner teachers and coaches. She cooperated with puppets theatre Zaczarowany Świat, Rochust Aust during Sky Way – the Light Festival, Toruń. As a member of Marta Zawadzka’s Group of Dance Theatre she performed at the Kaleidoscope festival in Białystok, KLAMRA Alternative Theatre Meetings in Toruń, The Kujawsko-Pomorski Music Theatre in Toruń, The Circle of Time Performance Festival (CoCA Toruń), and the 4th International Festival of Performance and Special Art Territories; participant of European educational projects Erasmus+, at the Key to Connection she has been invited by Dorośli Dzieciom Society in Sępólno Krajeńskie to cooperate as an expert in dance field.
the Key to Connection is implemeneted in the framework of Erasmus+: Youth in Action programme – key action 2, Strategic Partnership for Exchange Experiences.